This is my latest Gathering block from Bear in Sth Australia. Unable to make the Gathering she mailed it to me.
I wish you could hold it, to see her beautiful roses. All over the block there are various sorts of roses, large and small.
Is it any wonder I love this and all the rest of my blocks.

I am sure that these Gathering Blocks that I received will entice you to look at them all. Each one is beautiful and I feel honoured to own them.
You should be able to double click on them for a close-up.
The first here is by Andrea from Tasmania, who sadly was unable to be with us at Easter. My colour preference was cream but not a 'must be cream' There were no restrictions for added colours.
The work by Andrea is so delicate and I love the WOW. (for those who may have forgotten, like me, white on white) There is such a lot of detail on this.

Julia made this next one, and she must know how I love garden flowers and hollyhocks. The seams are lovely. The roses and violets are gorgeous.
Lilac and purple are a favourite of mine

Bet you wouldn't pick this lovely block as having been made by a 'new to embroidery and cq" lady.
Our Texan friend Brenda made this for me and it's a classy and beautiful block.

My lovely lilac and sage block is by Maria, who loves seams. I like these too and the bouquet of flowers. There is a group of three silver leaves which is a charm I have not seen before.

My friend Vivienne made this beautiful block. with the silk print of daffodils and she replicated them in the bottom left corner. Not an onion in sight, only bulbs. Close up these daffs are small and the cups perfect.

Can you imagine anyone called Rowdy making this serene and charming block? So hard to believe isn't it. The delicate lilac flowers, the little heart around my initial and a tiny bouquet, the twisted organza ribbon couched down with wee flowers.
Perhaps it was a boisterous twin I met.
Love the work Catherine

Another absent friend. This time from the US.
Norma has dyed the angel and beautiful apricot fan. I forgot to ask if she crocheted it too. Her roses and seams are so pretty.

Sandie was our hostess for Easter and she made this beauty. Sadly my camera caught the lovely centre silk in a funny light and has made the picture seem faded. It is quite pretty, you will have to take my word for that. Such lovely soft pinks and creams

Margaret from Queensland is the maker of this last block here. Margaret also was absent from the group, but maybe next time our missing friends will be able to be with us.
There are so many types of stitches here and they all come together beautifully. It is easy to see why I love the cream as it shows off the work to the best advantage. Well I think so, others may not.
: - )
Believe me I could have raved about these blocks, but I thought I'd let you make up your own mind.
I am sure you have found much to inspire you as I have done.